Black Lives Matter ??? After all the Looting, Take over Businesses, Burning, and More ??


How many Black Lives Matter shooting victims will it take before President Trump officially declares the group to be domestic terrorists engaged in an illegal insurrection?

All this brings up the obvious question: How long can the lying left-wing media continue to call Black Lives Matter terrorists “peaceful protesters” while they are gunning down innocent people in cities across America?
How many innocent, law-abiding Americans must die before President Trump and the DOJ officially declare Black Lives Matter to be a terrorist organization operating on U.S. soil?

Suddenly, the entire mainstream media and corporate icons of America are all pro-gun, pro-terrorism and pro-violence against (White) women. Interesting how quickly they flipped the script on America, isn’t it?
Now, if you don’t agree with Black Lives Matter terrorists raping, pillaging, looting, burning and murdering, you are espousing “hate” and will be fired from your job or de-platformed from Facebook and Twitter. Don’t you get it? You must love the Black LIES and the terror. You are required to signal that you openly welcome being Burned, Looted and Murdered (BLM) by left-wing terrorists who are operating with an endless stream of corporate funding.

Listen to The American Party ( Public Call In Show ) The Call in Number is 609-663-0153


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