Biden will be Bashing Trump about Corona Virus - Biden is bent on Erasing America

America will be Gone if Biden is Voted into the White House
Stop bashing Trump he is not a Doctor he is a Leader
 Biden and his Lynch Mob telling the World what Trump did not do for Corona Virus, is he now totally Lost it ? Trump had a Virus from another Country just dumped in his Lap when everything in America was going great and Biden expects Trump Alone to come up with the Answers ? He really is mentally unfit ! The Best Doctors in the World are still Scratching their heads about this Virus ! Trump took the only course he could to stop the spread of the Virus however Americans just brushed it off and went around like nothing was happening while all the Best Doctors were telling people to help and consider this a serious problem. The Democrats if anyone was Listening had no answers at all about the Virus ever but kept bashing Trump to come up with the Ultimate Solutions.. Come on people this had nothing to do with Trump it was all about the Doctors to come up with solutions. America was blind sided and although the Democrats/Pelosi etc. wanted America shut down till Christmas Trump kept working to come up with solutions, that's a leader ! If any of you can get off your butts and really take a look at the Last House Bill you'll see that the Democrats were using Corona Virus to pour money into Big Business and more. And where is a Separate Bill to give Americans a Second Stimulus check ? 2/3rds of their bill only takes care of Big Business bail outs, Help for the Kennedy Center which is still closed, CLEANING THE FBI BUILDING costing millions and other Pork Agenda. Biden is out of his mind to believe he could do it better when no one had a clue how to curb an unknown virus... Trump didn't know either but he acted as well as he could under the Situations he faced. According to the Military News if Biden gets in there will be mass closings and Martial Law in this country, do you want that ??? GOD HELP US !


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