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The American Party
This impeachment is uncostittutional, but the Senate should require the House to make its case before taking any action. If the House fails to articulate any crime, the Chief Justice should take it out of the Senates hand and rule the Impeachment is unconstitutional for failing to articulate any crime as defined in Article 2 Section 4. Failing that the President should move for dismissal for failure to present constitutinonally required grounds for Impeachment. Failing that, lets have a vote on conviction. There are not 67 votes to convict so its not going to happen anyway.
The bottom line is that unless the Supreme Court or the Senate declare this particular impeachment unconstitutional, for lack of a criminal predicate, this will become the new norm. As long as the House of Representatives Majority and the White House are of different political parties, Congress will be in a perpetual state of impeachment investigations for whatever the flavor of the month may be. They can just change the majority leaders title from "Speaker of the House" to "Flavor Flav"
We the Voters put the People in Power in The House of Representatives to Work for Americans
Instead they have spent over 30 Million Dollars chasing their Tails and not doing anything for America such as Drug Costs, Medical Costs, Infra-Structure, Taxes, and Much More that has been sitting on Pelosi's desk since 2017.
We need people who work for America ! 
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