An interesting Blog that came in from a Listener 06/2020

Here's a Blog that came in from a Listener
Democrats do not learn, that is why they are protesting the exact same things I watched them do in the 60’s, no different. Let me explain something to them. While they were protesting, everyone else advanced.
Covid for instance….97.6% of all covid deaths are dead Democrats but your News doesn’t bother to tell you that part.
You watched the lockdown and learned nothing & got mad. While you were fueling your own anger, the rest of us were thinking, evolving our business models, PROGRESSING! Ironic isn't, that Conservatives would be the actual "progressive ones"?

No democrats see the long game so I will break it down for you. If you aren’t in management or a special skill position, you are screwed; Not in 2 years, not in 18 months, NOW! Legislation is being debated to create "worker status" for robots, enabling the firms to avoid risk while still counting robots as "workers".
EVERY company that can go full-auto, robots, will. Not one robot called out sick, or had to self-quarantine. Nor will any of them try to sue. If you read instead of thinking what CNN/MSNBC/MEADIATE tells you to think, you would already know that robotic orders, which have been growing by 60% yearly, are up 1400% in the past 30 days alone!
The future is today and Democrats are ill prepared, again. Funny how they call me a “hillbilly” or "magabilly", isn’t it when they can't even read the writing on the proverbial wall?
If you work at Target, Walmart, Amazon, any warehouse or factory……you are the next ghetto-dwellers!
These will be primarily Democrats by a huge margin, just like now!
I HATED the idea of joining the "rat race"....but I never expected anyone else to cover my way in life so I had to get a job and join it. It allowed me to raise a family, buy a home, go to 27 of 35 countries in this hemisphere, buy new cars with good credit interest rates, all with nothing but a high school education. Looking back now, it really wasn't very hard, just needed to show up every day.
I have never seen a collectively lazier, weaker, more spineless group of Free-Ride seekers in 6 decades.....then today's Democrats.
The concept of "Get a job, save your money, enjoy life" is completely foreign to them.
ALL of the "protesters" rioting are's not a race issue, it's a political one.


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