The BLOGS are Going to the Dogs ! And I want to know what you think so here's one..

Sometimes you really can see what is programmed into People that only watch TV News

They dont really need to try, it is already a fait accompli without them trying. In fact I bet this time Biden gets 97% of the black vote and wont even have to pander at all to them.

 I SAID in Response: 

Biden gets 97% because he too believes that De-Funding Police is the Right thing to do. Not only that but scaling back Police is one of Biden's new Things to do list. Not to mention also that The House and Pelosi have switched from The Central American Illegals to Blacks in
systemic racism and patterns of violence against African Americans,they forgot about the Mexicans, Drug Lords, Cartels, and a Million ( OK Thousands ) Pregnant Women sent to America... Now we have Single Mom's on Welfare, Medicaid, Section 8, Food Stamps, Etc. and they have Mercedes Cars in the Driveways. But after all is said WHERE IS THE SECOND STIMULUS CHECKS WE WERE PROMISED LAST MONTH ? Then there's Powell that is a Disgrace to any Uniform telling the World it's all Trumps Fault ? One way to Cure this all. Don't vote for Biden unless you think Being a Pervert, and Scam Artist in The Ukraine and China to fill his Bank Account is OK, if this is YOU then Vote for him.

You can Comment below if you think that any of this is not True or has not happened.


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