The Democratic Party needs to END the path their on and think about the HARM they are doing

Upcoming Pre-Voting will end up as the Largest Bloodbath in Americas Voting History
I did make this apparent in my last blog entry.
 Being from NJ and then living in South Carolina, then moving our Studio to Florida, and learning the Culture I have to say that Super Tuesday 03/03/2020 will be a Blood Bath. Being a Broadcaster I got to talk to hundreds of Young People that are ( Because of Smart Phone Media ) why ahead of the curve and most in the ( What we'd call ) the Wrong Direction. I don't see Biden getting what he wants but I do See the People in S.C. voting for Bernie.. Most kids are all looking for easy way outs from Debt and Living an easy life so if Bernie is promising the Young EASY then they are going to Vote in his direction not understanding the real meaning of Socialism and the aftermath of such a direction.. The Youth 20 to 37 would rather walk around looking down at their Phones then worrying about the Money they have to produce for paying Healthcare, Tax, and Education Loans not to mention the money to live.. When you offer FREE they the young will take it without thinking o about the Consequences to come.
These kids have no idea how or when did these Socialist Ideas even come from !
They did not live through the Fears of Nuke Wars with Russia or the Placement of Missles aimed at America in Cuba, Not to mention the Long Lines waiting for GAS at Stations and only allowed to buy $5.00 worth of Gas in cars that were not as fuel efficient as the Cars today.
Kids only hear the stories told by their Grand Parents and the Warnings us Older People are telling our Grand Kids to be very Careful who or what they believe in or Vote for since now there's no where to hide from the Media Ads that the Media is Shoving down Children's throats  on TV and their Smartphones in pop ups.
It is really time for the older to instruct the young and hope they listen through the LOVE they have for their Grand Parents that "DID THAT AND SAW THAT"


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