We are beginning to get Comments Sent - Here's Some about Election 2020

Bloomberg had a legitimate shot to beat Trump. But if he picks Hillary Cliinton as his VP, he has absolutely no shot at all. Of all the stupid statements he could have made that was the stupidest. She's poison Mike. She's roundly hated by half the country and she makes almost everybody queasy. Mike if you pick her, you lose...it's as simple as that.
Bob You know , I think it's better and honest to "buy" (as they claim) the presidency with his OWN money than ask others to put THEIR money to "buy" the presidency. On the other hand, such claim runs against the intelligence of the people ... it inferes that the voters will do so by propaganda, not by intelligence .... Americans are or Can't be that Stupid !
Apparently you didn't see the new video Bloomberg released of himself eating 'gay ice cream'. I didn't even know there was such a thing. The Left will promote which clown survives the Democrat clown car primary. Even Drudge will continue attacking Trump for them. I quit him for Whatfinger News which is like having your birthday every day if you are a news junkie, so give that a look. To be fair Mike was a Democrat, then Republican, then I, and finally back to Democrat to run for POTUS. Real consistent...he has no stand on any Party so he'll just buy them off.
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