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Americans Can Rise ! AWAKEN ! READ BELOW: Bob Charles says: Hopefully the people in America realize that the media is owned by a few mega billionaires and huge corporations that are the propaganda arm of the Democratic party. The people now know that these mega billionaires are laughing all the way to the bank as they get their corrupt communist politicians elected with this propaganda. CNN is owned by ATT who owns CNN only the get their people elected for their financial gains. Same thing with CBS owned by Verizon who makes their money off the government's free Obama phones. Same with the New York Times, owned by the most corrupt Mega Billionaire in Mexico, Carlos Slim. Same with NBC including MSNBC owned by the very corrupt Roberts family close personal friends with the Clinton's & George Soros, Hon FBA is a Hungarian-born American billionaire investor and philanthropist. As of May 2020, he had a net worth of $8.3 billion, hav
The American Party A media source that gives Americans A VOICE. - 01/08/2020
The American Party A media source that gives Americans A VOICE. Let's talk about Fake News Just reporting the news (if there is any) won't generate ratings as effectively as reporting news items with an emotional twist. For example, shootings, fires, train derailments, and police standoffs always seem to be "dangerously close" to a school. With schools only a quarter of a mile apart in the big cities, there's always one near enough to make that connection. I recall an occasion a couple of years ago when there was a gang-related shooting in east Dallas just after midnight one night, right next to an elementary school, and the next morning there was a reporter on the scene fretting about how the shooting took place "dangerously close" to the school. But logically, that was the best possible place for a shooting in the middle of the night — when nobody's at school! Reporters often use meaningless one-dimensional stati
Now let's build with new Energies coming from the Earth to unseat those who made the Worlds Population Slaves for over 270 Years.