What does Americans think about this Pandemic ????????????

We received a Note About CoronaVirus
And we are Posting this as " WHAT DOES THE PUBLIC THINK ABOUT THIS ?

Wake up, people -- the coronavirus “pandemic” is a fraud, an invisible, all-purpose enemy to which the government can attribute any dangers it wants to frighten and control us.
The international corporate elite that runs things behind the scenes has taken an illness no more dangerous than the common seasonal flu (and probably far less so) and turned it into an excuse for an enormous expansion of government power and an enormous redistribution of resources -- literally, trillions of dollars -- from the
citizens to the corporate elite.

We have been lied to every step of the way. News reports of overworked doctors, overflowing morgues, crowded hospitals, crowded ICUs, mass graves, racing ambulances full of COVID-19 patients, and refrigerated trucks full of bodies are contradicted by numerous videos of empty hospitals, empty waiting rooms, empty “testing centers”, and parked ambulances in the alleged “epicenters” of the pandemic.
Even in New York City at the height of the alleged pandemic, undercover reporters released videos showing New York City ERs virtually empty. No lines, nothing. Just recently, Project Veritas showed undercover video of a staged “testing center" in
Michigan with hospital employees playing the patients.

There is no legitimacy to any of it. The masks, the “social distancing”, the “social bubbles”, the “self-isolation”, the “self-quarantining”, the “contact tracing”, the “flattening the curve”, the shutdowns, the lockdowns, the push for vaccination, the push for testing, the bans on assemblies and large groups -- none of that is to keep us safe, but all of it is to condition us to accept mandatory vaccination, more government control, more arbitrary regimentation, and more handouts to the corporate elite.
The coronavirus charade is no different from previous virus panics -- SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, Zika -- only now the people at the top think we are divided enough, stupid enough, and weak enough to submit to a massive acceleration of the ongoing transfer of power and wealth from us to them. Sadly, it appears that they are correct.
Too many of us still believe -- despite overwhelming historical and contemporary evidence to the contrary -- that the government and the corporate media do not lie, especially about the big things. In reality, the government and the corporate media lie about everything -- especially about the big things.
The breakthrough will come when the majority of us realize that the starting point for knowing the truth about anything is to believe the opposite of what the government and the corporate media tell us.
Here another posting that needs reading 
 I can see by ready some of these comments that no one saw the Video that
was pulled down by You Tube and Facebook.. It was a group of Nurses
from different parts of our Country telling about all the People that
die in Hospitals and because they were given orders they had to TOE TAG
DEAD People with tags reading Covid19 - Yes there are Thousands that did
not have the virus but because the Hospitals got $38,500 per Dead
person that died of the Disease they were tagged Covid19. Out of the
Six Nurses on the Video on Zoom all of them Quit and went back to the
State they came from. They said the Whole Disease seems not to be
anywhere near the Emergency they Portray.
On top of that the House
also knows that this Disease is not as serious as Advertised because the
New "HEROS" Bill is 2/3rd's filled with funding that has nothing to do
with Covid19. Pelosi and her Secret Caucus has again said "Don't talk
to us about what people want" QUOTE ! While I have time - The Bill
included $1,200.00 checks to Illegals, Money to fund the MAIL IN BALLOTS
for the November Election that can be Hacked easier for Democratic
Hopeful Biden to win by Hacking the Ballots, Then The Big one is Funding
for USPS Postal Services which Pelosi said, They Deserve it ! If
anyone did not Notice Stamps went up AGAIN, So why Billions in Funding
??? What are they going to ship Dead Bodies ?


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